4D Analytics

Create a New Run

An analysis run is stored after its first time through. It can then be viewed and selected in the Run History window, as described in the next section.

The procedure to create new run is:

  1. Supply valid input and output variables (points currently).
  2. Select the script to use.
  3. Map the input and output variables to script parameters.
  4. Set the input time range and resolution.
  5. Press the Run button.

Input and Output Variables

No analysis can be run without supplying input and output variables to the analysis procedure.

A new analysis can most easily be created by starting with an empty variable grid or with a grid containing only points you need for the analysis. To empty the grid, press the Clear All button on the toolbar.

You can then slide the Data Studio main window to the right to see the Digital Twin Explorer Navigator below. If the required points are not already loaded into the grid, you can drag in them (or containers containing points) into the grid from the Digital Twin Explorer hierarchy tree.

Once points are added to the list, choose the output point. Each item can be set to Input (default) or Output by double-clicking in the In/Out column then choosing from the options.

Note: The setting in the Format column, which defaults to Timeseries, is ignored. It is reserved for future use.
Note: The grid can also be populated by selecting a range of points in the Digital Twin Explorer Selection Tool and then opening Data Studio. The selected points will appear in the grid.

Select Script

The next step is to choose an appropriate script to run on the data. Click on the Script button to invoke the pop-up.

If the required script is not in the list, please refer to the sections on creating scripts.

Double-click on the script row to select it then close the list.

The Input point data resolution and time range need to be set next.

Map Input and Output Script Parameters

See section describing Mapping script parameters to input and output variables.

Setting the Time Range and Resolution

Expand the drop-down and choose the data resolution from the available options.

Note: It is best to start with a high resolution as Raw and Minute can potentially take a long time to run an analysis.

Designate a Start and End time range by clicking in the appropriate field. On the Calendar pop-up, click on the desired date and time.

The system must be configured before you press the Run button. The configuration process is described here, so take care to complete the configuration process before proceeding further.

Everything is now ready to run the analysis script on the points in the grid. So, press the Run button to view the results in one or more tabs that appear below the grid. This process may take a moment.

The run will be saved in Run History.

Errors and Warnings

When you press the Run button, you may see an error message if not everything matches.

If there are any Errors, you will not be allowed to continue until the issues are fixed.

Warnings will be listed, usually to do with blank units, but you will be allowed to continue if you wish, and understand the effect any warnings will have on the quality of the results.

Note: If there are only warnings and the script has the “Suppress warnings” flag set, this pop-up will not appear. See the Script editor General tab.

Once the Run button has been pressed, the script will be scheduled for execution on the backend server. It may not run immediately, depending on the DCF widget configuration. However, if the run initiation has been successful, you should see “Successfully scheduled” on the status bar at the bottom of the screen.

You can also check the progress of the run at any time on the Run History screen (see next section). When complete, the Status changes from Scheduled to Complete.